AGWA Bequest Circle
We would like to be able to acknowledge our supporters who plan to leave a bequest to AGWA. In this way we can appropriately recognise your generosity, ensure we fully understand your motivations and intentions and provide a unique opportunity for you to develop a closer relationship with the Gallery in your lifetime.
The AGWA Bequest Circle is a special group of Gallery supporters who have made a provision for AGWA in their will. Members of the AGWA Bequest Circle are afforded the following recognition, privileges and opportunities:
- invited to exclusive AGWA Bequest Circle events and to other AGWA Foundation events and activities
- formal acknowledgement in the AGWA Annual Report and on the Gallery’s honour board
- acknowledged for all gifts of works of art, or acquisitions made with the support of a bequest, on the work’s display label and wherever the image of that work is reproduced.
To become a member of the AGWA Bequest Circle, you simply need to let us know that you have remembered AGWA in your will.
Write your Will for free with Gathered Here
The Art Gallery of Western Australia has partnered with Gathered Here, Australia’s leading online Will-writing platform to offer our supporters a free online Will. In just 10 minutes, you can create a legally binding Will with unlimited updates for life. After you have taken care of your loved ones, you may wish to leave a gift to AGWA. All gifts, big or small, will help safeguard the future of WA’s State Art Gallery.
Bequest a brighter future
If you would like to discuss the possibility of leaving a bequest to AGWA, please contact our Foundation Office via email or call +61 8 9492 6685.