Thank you to our generous supporters who joined us in making a positive impact to the lives of people affected by dementia by donating to this landmark AGWA program.
Creative Encounters: Arts & Dementia at AGWA is a five-year, Gallery based program that will bring people living with dementia and their carers to the fore and highlight the important role of the arts for wellbeing.
Art can unlock creativity, spark imagination, break down barriers, and – most importantly – elicit joy. Our program of creative workshops and tours will create meaningful encounters that allow people living with dementia to find new ways of communicating. Developed in collaboration with dementia support services and featuring case studies, interviews and observation, the AGWA Arts & Dementia program will also produce shared resources for the arts and allied health community, to directly benefit the lives of the 472,000 Australians living today with dementia and their 1.6 million carers.
In our latest AGWA Reading Room blog we hear from participants on their experience and the impact of AGWA’s current Arts and Dementia program and Creative Encounters: Arts & Dementia at AGWA – the new five-year initiative to deepen our engagement in this space. Read the Healing through Art blog article.

Artistic Adventures workshop at AGWA, March 2021. Photo: Suresh Manievannan

Artistic Adventures workshop at AGWA, March 2021. Photo: Suresh Manievannan.
I do not go out much and look forward to going to the Artistic Workshops. The varied activities and meeting with other members are something I looked forward to and to enjoy. It is great going home and proudly showing my family the many things I am able to do. I am the richer in mind and spirit by attending these workshops.
Audrey, 92
2021 Appeal Supporters
Thank you to these generous donors who have supported the 2021 Arts & Dementia Appeal:
Shelley Barker
Peter Bird
Gena Culley
Kathleen Donohue
Bev East
Anne Gray
Shona Hall
Ian Hammond AM
Dorothea Hansen-Knarhoi
Jim and Freda Irenic
Stephen and Janine Lauder
Lennon Family Charitable Trust
Carolyn McCleery
Emma Messineo
Ron Packer
Ruth Phelps
Leigh Robinson
Dr Heather Rogers
Graeme and Lorraine Rowley
Amy Rumble
Peter and Robyn Scott
Richard Stone
Kerry Taylor
Gene Tilbrook and Anne Seghezzi
Jennifer R Walker
Wembley Gallery
Jean and Ian Williams AO
Melvin Yeo and Brigette Sheen
Anonymous donors