Trusts and Foundations

Acknowledgement and thanks

All supporters who donate $1,000 or more are publicly acknowledged for 12 months from the date of their donation on AGWA’s website, in the Gallery foyer, in our Annual Report, and within any campaign-specific marketing related to Major Gifts ($20,000 or more).

Donors may choose to be acknowledge anonymously if they prefer.

AGWA privately thanks all donors at the time a gift is received.

All donations to AGWA over $2 are tax deductible.

Projects realised

Howard Taylor Journal 1946-2001 – AGWA publication
Kindly supported by Gordon Darling Foundation

Gordon Darling Foundation supports visual arts access and enjoyment for the broadest possible audiences. Gordon Darling Foundation is kindly supporting the publication of the late Howard Taylor’s Journal 1946-2001. Taylor’s original journal is a rich source of material for the publication, as a record of his practice as a painter and an essential studio tool.

Gallery 09: Exquisite Bodies
Kindly supported by the Stan Perron Charitable Foundation

The Stan Perron Charitable Foundation is kindly supporting Gallery 09’s current exhibition, Exquisite Bodies. Developed in collaboration with artist Bruno Booth, this exhibition challenges us to reshape our thinking and recognise ways that diversely abled bodies have to navigate a world that is uncomfortable by design, at the same time celebrating the beauty and value of differently expressed ability.

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Simon Lee Foundation Institute of Contemporary Asian Art
Made possible by the Simon Lee Foundation

The Simon Lee Foundation Institute of Asian Contemporary Art (SLF ICAA) incubates and promotes inspirational, ground-breaking contemporary Asian art at AGWA. SLF ICAA will strengthen our connections to art, artists, and each other, deepen our understanding of the world and in doing so build an inspiring future together.

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Creative Encounters: Art and Dementia at AGWA
Made possible by Graeme and Lorraine Rowley

Creative Encounters: Art and Dementia offers engaging and creative experiences for people living with dementia, together with their family members and carers. This Gallery-based program, developed in collaboration with dementia support services, brings people living with dementia and their carers to the fore and highlights the important role of the arts for wellbeing.

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Digitisation Project
Made possible by MM Electrical Merchandising

MM Electrical Merchandising is generously supporting AGWA’s Digitisation Project, a key Gallery initiative committed to making all State Art Collection works available online.

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Aisen Family Trust
Albion Foundation
Alcock Family Foundation
APS Foundation
Australia Council for the Arts
Australia-Japan Foundation
Australia-Korea Foundation
Graeme and Lorraine Rowley
Minderoo Foundation
Simon Lee Foundation
Stan Perron Charitable Foundation
The Feilman Foundation
The Japan Foundation, Sydney
The Linton Currie Trust
The Michele Canci Foundation
The Myer Foundation
The Sir Claude Hotchin Art Foundation
The Spinifex Trust
The Ungar Family Foundation
Tony Fini Foundation

Kedela wer kalyakoorl ngalak Wadjak boodjak yaak.

Today and always, we stand on the traditional land of the Whadjuk Noongar people.