
Making art accessible for everyone.

We welcome everyone to the Gallery and we are committed to ensuring art is accessible to all. To find out more about how the Gallery can support your access requirements or to provide suggestions on how we can continue to improve our offering, please contact us at

The Art Gallery of Western Australia's Sensory and Access Map is designed to help you identify sensory-friendly spaces and assist with navigating your way around the Gallery. Please use this as a guide for finding quieter and less crowded spaces, seating areas within the Gallery, and spaces with tactile engagement and activities. For more accessibility information please speak with a member of staff at our Information Desk. You will also find sensory maps for key exhibitions on the relevant exhibition pages. 

Download the sensory and access map

Download The Art Gallery of Western Australia Visual Story

Noise Cancelling Headphones
For those with sensory needs, we offer noise cancelling headphones which are available from the AGWA Reception Desk.

Related Information

Large Format Labels

You will find large format print labels on our exhibition web pages. These are also available at the Information Desk at the Gallery.


A walking frame, manual wheelchairs and an electric buggy are available for visitor’s use. These are provided free of charge from the Gallery Reception. Bookings are advisable to ensure availability. Please provide 24-hour notice for the electric buggy as it will need to be charged. Bookings telephone +618 9492 6601.


The Gallery has two public lifts. The main lift provides access to the first floor gallery spaces and is located in the central Concourse. A second lift allows access to the Centenary Galleries. The second lift is located in the rest area between two of the ground floor gallery spaces.


ACROD parking is available in the Perth Cultural Centre car parks.

Access Toilets

Located in the main Gallery building.

Taxi and Bus Access

Taxis and buses are able to drive into the Perth Cultural Centre to within 30 metres of the main Gallery entrance. Inform the driver to enter James Street Mall via Beaufort Street. Reception staff will call Taxis on request.

Companion Card

The Art Gallery of Western Australia is proud to support the Companion Card initiative, enabling people with long term disabilities access to events and venues across Australia. With paid exhibitions, when a cardholder presents their card their companion will be issued with a second ticket for free. For more information see the Companion Card website.


A parents’ room is situated in the main Concourse, to the right of the central staircase.

Art and Memories 

The Art Gallery of WA's Creative Encounters: Art and Dementia workshops and tours assist people living with dementia, and their carers or primary support network, to challenge their condition and help develop creativity and social skills. Fortnightly exhibition tours and hands on studio workshops support psychosocial wellbeing, inspire engagement with the arts and provide accessible participant-focused experiences. Facilitated by our Creative Partner, Mind the Change lnc has been integral to the development and delivery of the program. Bookings

Learn more about the Creative Encounters program

The Art Gallery of Western Australia has adopted a Disability Access and Inclusion Plan' (DAIP) to ensure that all visitors, including people with disabilities, can access Gallery services and facilities.

Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 

Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) 2024-2028


In 2010 the Art Gallery of Western Australia represented by Lesley Goodman who, together with Pam Barras and Caroline Lewis of Vision Australia, received a Recognition Award from Allanah Lucas, Director General, Department of Culture and the Arts and Dr Ron Chalmers, Director General, Disability Services Commission. The award was in recognition of the opportunities created by such programs as Touch Tours for people with disability to participate in everyday arts and cultural events in Western Australia.

On Saturday 27 August, the Gallery is open 10am-3pm only as we prepare for the AGWA Foundation Gala supporting women in the arts. Some exhibition access will be disrupted with two Tracks We Share ground floor galleries closed. AGWA Rooftop bar will be closed, reopening at 2pm Sunday. Details