Tom Malone Prize 2022

Tim Edwards Ellipse #8 2021.
Glass, blown and wheel cut, 47 x 38 x 0.8 cm.
Courtesy of the artist. Photography: Grant Hancock.

Winner of the Tom Malone Prize 2022

About Edwards’ winning piece, the judges “In a 15 artist strong shortlisted field this year, Edward’s work Ellipse #8 held its ground calmly and beautifully. It’s a quiet work whose form amplifies Edwards’ command of his craft and his vision. In this regard it is so clearly a work by an artist operating at the very height of his powers. There is nothing arbitrary about it at all; the form is perfectly resolved and intentional. This extends from the vessel’s hip and shoulder shapes, to the balance of colour, to the finish, to the even wall thickness. These elements are cleverly rendered but not for cleverness sake; they do not signal material flair alone. Instead, they are the hard-won vehicle for a meditation on the flows of light, the sensation of perception and being wholly in the world, and the importance of surface in allowing viewers to form an intimate connection between our bodies and that of the object. Employing stone wheel cutting to finish the work, it is a piece that is heavily and gradually laboured yet brilliantly fresh and light. Its quietness is alive and wonderfully of this moment. Naturally, therefore, we could not be happier with Tim taking the place of the winner of the 20th Tom Malone Prize. It is a well-deserved honour.”

2022 shortlisted works

2022 finalists

Kedela wer kalyakoorl ngalak Wadjak boodjak yaak.

Today and always, we stand on the traditional land of the Whadjuk Noongar people.