Plan Your Visit

Things to know

The Gallery is free to visit, donations are welcome. To protect artworks, the Gallery is climate controlled and can be a little cool – bring a cardigan.

Perth Cultural Centre Rejuvenation Project

What work is being done to the Perth Cultural Centre (PCC)?
The PCC rejuvenation project will transform the space into a connected, thriving and welcoming precinct with facilities such as a large viewing screen, improved safety measures and multi-functional recreational/event spaces.

What will the PCC look like once it is finished?
You can view the artist impressions of the finished site by visiting the PCC website.

When will construction start and when is it likely to be completed?
• Construction is due to start on 6 January 2025 and expected to be completed in 2026.

Will surrounding businesses still be operating during construction?
• Yes, all businesses in the PCC will remain open during construction.

Visit the website for more detail and access map


An increased cleaning schedule remains in place and sanitisers are freely available in the space. If you are feeling unwell, we ask that you postpone your visit until you are feeling well again.

In the Gallery

  • We have a free cloakroom for large bags, suitcases, all backpacks (small and large) umbrellas and shopping bags that must be stored before entering the gallery spaces. If you have medications or items that you must always carry, our Front Desk staff will provide a suitable soft tote bag designed for carrying on one shoulder.
  • Food and drink are not permitted in the Gallery.
  • We welcome non-flash photography for personal use and love to see photos of your visit. Tag us at @artgallerywa on Instagram and Facebook and add #artgallerywa #AGWA.
    The use of tripods, flash or additional lighting requires prior approval. Find out more on commercial photography here.
  • By entering the Gallery, you agree that AGWA may film and photograph you (and any children for whom you are responsible) and you agree that AGWA may use those images as it sees fit without consulting you. If you do not want to be filmed or photographed, please let the front desk know. Please note that CCTV is used throughout the Gallery.
  • Pencil sketching is welcome.


We welcome all visitors and have provided a range of services available for people with disabilities. A walking frame, manual wheelchairs and an electric buggy are available. ACROD parking is available in the Perth Cultural Centre car parks. Companion cards are welcome. Large format print labels are available on our website for exhibitions and a copy available at Information. Find out more.

The parents’ room is located on the ground floor. Breastfeeding is welcome throughout the Gallery.

More information

For more information, please see our
Frequently asked questions

Kedela wer kalyakoorl ngalak Wadjak boodjak yaak.

Today and always, we stand on the traditional land of the Whadjuk Noongar people.