Esther McDowell/Yabini Kickett Perth Flora 2019 (detail).
Artist Activations are artist conceived projects that engage multi-generational audiences to collaborate on the creation of new works of art.
AGWA Learning is committed to supporting emerging and established artists to develop new concepts and practices that invite multiple perspectives, explore contemporary ideas, amplify diverse voices and encourage hands-on contributions. The process is inclusive, participatory and emergent, prioritising experimentation and discovery over known outcomes. Each of the Artist Activations is connected to our exhibition schedule and sits within the new AGWA Learning model, which promotes meaningful engagement opportunities for diverse audiences.
Noongar artist Esther McDowell/ Yabini Kickett is developing a multi-media work of art called Home Sick Home, exploring the endemic flora of Perth and connection to Country as part of the Desert River Sea: Portraits of the Kimberley exhibition. Drop by the Imagination Room to see Esther’s participatory project in development and contribute your own response which may become incorporated into the final work.
10am-5pm, 9 February – 27 May 2019
Wed to Mon 10am-5pm
Closed Tuesdays, Good Friday and Christmas Day
Entry is free, donations welcomed. Special exhibitions may incur a ticket fee.