Anton Domenico Gabbiani (Florence 1652-1726) Glorification of the Corsini Family: sketch for the ceiling fresco of the Presentation Room of the Palazzo 1694-1695 (detail). Oil on canvas, 116 x 86 cm. Galleria Corsini, Florence.
Introducing the private art collection of one of Florence’s most eminent families, the Corsini family.
Family Art Trail
10am-5pm, Wednesday – Monday (exhibition ticket required in the exhibition space)
Find Arno, one of the many dogs that the Corsini family have owned to learn more about the artworks. During Easter, complete the trail and collect your prize from AGWA’s Information Desk. Download PDF
10.30am-12pm, Wednesday 21 March | $25 (includes exhibition entry, tour and morning tea)
Parents with bubs get together for a midweek art outing. Tour The Corisni Collection exhibition with one of AGWA’s Guru Guides, followed by coffee, cake and conversation. Prams/baby carriers and babies up to one year old welcome. Baby change facilities available.
Storytelling Adventures | FREE
11am-12pm & 1-2pm, Sunday 15, Monday 16, Thursday 19 April
Join Glenn Swift, Storyteller Extraordinaire as he entertains you with stories of life in Renaissance Italy.
Portrait Palazzo | FREE
Thursday 19 – Sunday 22 April
11am-3pm, Thursday & Saturday & 11am-2pm, Friday & Sunday
Keep eye out for AGWA and Attack of the Robot’s travelling Portrait Palazzo and have your picture taken in Renaissance Florence.
Design your own emblem | FREE
Do you have a family emblem, symbol or pattern with which you identify? Or, if you could design your family emblem, what colours, symbols and patterns would you choose? Visit the Imagination Room and create your own mark. Download PDF
Bookings essential
Wed to Mon 10am-5pm
Closed Tuesdays, Good Friday and Christmas Day
Entry is free, donations welcomed. Special exhibitions may incur a ticket fee.